UVElite RES est un fini UV à durcissement instantané à base d'eau pour sols résilients.

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The advantages of UVElite by Arboritec


    • Highest durability – UVElite RES provides the most durable, longest lasting performance.
    • Instant Cure – UVElite RES is fully cured instantly, completely eliminating the possibility of early use damage.
      This adds maximum life and value to your floor.
  • Environmentally considerate – Lower VOCs than competitive peers. At less than 10 g/L VOC, it is the lowest-VOC resilient floor finish on the market. It is
    solvent-free and contains no NMP.
  • Optimized open time, flow and levelling – UVElite RES is an exceptionally easy coater.
  • Superior scuff resistance – Highly resistance to marks, scuffs, and scratches.
  • Ease of maintenance – Designed to create more easily cleaned and maintained resilient floors – wax and polish is no longer required!


Fiche de données de sécurité

View, print or download the Material Safety Datasheet UVElite RES.

Pricelist 2024

View, print or download our pricelist UVELITE/ELEVATE RES.

Fiche Technique

View, print or download the technical datasheet “UVElite RES directions for use.”

Briser des tendances avec UV

Dans la société durable d'aujourd'hui avec panneaux solaires, éoliennes et voitures électriques, n'est-il pas logique de remplacer une technologie ancienne et néfaste pour l'environnement comme la polymérisation?

UVElite RES d'Arboritec

UVElite RES d'Arboritec est une finition de qualité commerciale qui utilise la lumière UV pour restaurer rapidement les sols résilients et offre la protection la plus durable. UVElite RES représente une approche complètement nouvelle et rentable pour rénover et entretenir des sols homogènes en vinyle et linoléum, LVT et VCT.

Using the portable UV curing equipment of DecoRad Systems bv, one can quickly resurface resilient floors to restore lasting beauty and protection even to heavily damaged resilient floors. In addition, UVElite RES makes floors extremely easy to clean, and eliminates the cost of maintaining floors using conventional approaches like polish and wax.
Once cured, UVElite RES coated floors are immediately ready for full use.

Protection rapide

Les sols traités sont à nouveau comme neufs et immédiatement prêts à l'emploi.

Briser des tendances avec UV

Dans la société durable d'aujourd'hui avec panneaux solaires, éoliennes et voitures électriques, n'est-il pas logique de remplacer une technologie ancienne et néfaste pour l'environnement comme la polymérisation?


Sans solvant

Prêt à l'emploi

Juste après durcissement UV


Résistant à la graisse, à l’eau et aux nettoyants et détergents ménagers ordinaires.

Extrêmement durable

avec un bel aspect mat

Arboritec/UVElite partners with DecoRad

Professional application of UVElite RES requires specialised equipment.

DecoRad develops and produces portable UV equipment in a complete range, and sells worldwide.
Next to the UV curing equipment we also distribute UVElite RES by Arboritec, what makes a great addition to our portfolio.
This cooperation is attractive for our  joint customers. They find UV coating and equipment combined with training offered via one company.

Customer experience

Heijmans Vloeronderhoud, Emmen NL

Ben Heijmans speaks:

“The locations where I work are very diverse. Think, for example, of schools, hospitals, laboratories and offices, but also the people’s living rooms at home.

With UVElite I now have experience on linoleum, PVC and polyurethane resin floors. UVElite adheres to everything, which is the biggest advantage. Furthermore, UVElite’s flexibility is excellent and it can even be applied in direct sunlight.
The base coat is a pore filler and great for adhesion; it is easy to apply and flows smoothly. The packaging is also slightly smaller, which is convenient. You can cover between 70 and 100 m2 in a day, and with 1 can of base coat you can cover exactly that amount on a linoleum floor in 1 day without any waste. However, mixed with the Hardener it does contain some VOCs, which makes the base coat slightly less environmentally friendly.”

Ben Heijmans has over 10 years of experience with UV on-site.

“At Heijmans Vloeronderhoud we are ready to assist you with all your floor maintenance needs.

As a floor maintenance specialist, we help business clients (companies, project offices, architects) and we also work in private homes.
Whether it is restoring a marble floor, linoleum or rubber, cleaning carpets or entrance mats, we have the expertise and the tools to keep your floors in top condition. The sooner you reach out to us, the more we can do for you.

All types of floors require cleaning or maintenance over time. Preventive or periodic floor maintenance ensures that your floor retains its appearance.
Additionally, this significantly extends the life of the floor, saving you unnecessary extra costs.”
For more information: Heijmans Vloeronderhoud